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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:48 Fri 13th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Friday. Once more the weekend beckons, which if you're retired etc. it makes no odds whatsoever. Such is life!
A hedgehog is out the back helping him/herself to some scraps I put out last night. They are always welcome. I'll have s look at Tiggy Towers later, maybe as new resident.
Nothing on the calendar for today, so that could well be what I do!
Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning everyone. Another weekend beckons so just hope you are all looking forward to a good one.

Hope I'm not too late to be an Early Bird.
We are the late birdies Lady J , lol
I can live with that. I always get on with doing something when I get up and only think of AB after I've seen to things.

I reckon I'm in very good company.
I'm just an early to bed and a later riser person , lol
* late*
You're here and that is the most important thing.

Got anything planned for the weekend? I'm trying to think of something special to do but failing at the moment. Think I might clean the windows. There are a lot of them.
Off to the Metro Centre later for a couple of hours then tomorrow me and OH are going to see my long time friend ( since we were 15) and her hubby in their village pub for a drink, really looking forward to that xx
You know how to have fun Ladyj.

Morning all.

I'm going to cut firewood this weekend, oh joy.
That sounds good Bobbi. Although OH goes out each day to collect paper and any milk or bread needed getting him to just go out for pleasure is impossible. I do my going out on my own. Got something planned for next week which I'm looking forward to.

Morning Ozzy. Your weekend sounds as exciting as mine.
Bye for now. Take care all of you and hope you have a good day.
You also LJ, enjoy

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