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Caran | 23:04 Sat 14th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Is it possible to have frost at this time of year? Beyond our boundary there are a lot of brambles on the forestry land. They are tinged with white when I get up. This is before the sun has reached the patch. As soon as the sun gets on it the whiteness disappears.
If it isn't frost what could it be?


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Probably morning dew this time of the year, Caran.
Question Author
Is morning dew white tonyav?
Morning dew on spiders’ webs?
As sherr say's it is on spiders webs, Caran.
It's nature's way of saying 'stay in be a while longer'. :-)
Yes, Caran, it looks white.
>>> Morning dew on spiders’ webs?

That sounds likely to me:
Question Author
It doesn't look like that at all. It really looks just like frost on the leaves.
It does from a distance.
It's called the Seebeck Effect, Caran.

"The phenomenon means frost can form on grass at night when temperatures do not reach freezing"

Just by coincidence, I've been reading about it recently. :o)

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