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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:51 Tue 17th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Tuesday. It should be a nice day today, which is good because I'm having a day out with a friend, should be good. Apart from that nuffink. Just had a look outside, the sky is clear. I hope it stays that way.

Have a happy day everyone.



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bye DT xx Boaty xx
I know I'm a bit late but still wishing you all Good Morning.
Good morning ladyj, I'm always one of the later ones here
Morning Bobbi. Glad to see that not everyone wakes early and immediately reaches for the internet. Looks like another bright, sunny dry day here. Not got anything much planned for today. OH has got to go to Truro today but not sure if I want to go with him.
Bye for now.
Bye , have a lovely day lj

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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