most "no win no fee" compensation offers mean that you have to have spent at least 1 night in hospital. or at least had to go to casualty ... it dosen't sound like either of those things happened. Do you have permanent nerve damage twiggy? WHat kind of ways does this nerve damage affect your life or well being? What can't you do now that you used to be able to do? Have you had to see a specialist?
I'm probably jumping to conclusions but from the information you have put, it dosen't sound like your injury was very serious, or permanent and perhaps the 25 pounds covers the injury you sustained?
Of course i could have got it all wrong, and it might really be affecting your life, and i'm sorry if it is. However, my philosophy is that accidents happen, and ok so you had to endure some pain and bruising, but i can't really see that you'll get a lot of compensation for that ... t he best line of attck might be the nerve damage, but if its not bad enough to see a specialist, or go to hospital for then i dont know its worth it. What would you consider reasonable?