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I Gots Ears!!!

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pastafreak | 14:07 Sat 21st Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

I can't stop laughing...:-))


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The cat, on reflection, seems to think so! ;-)
Absolutely brilliant, then looks round for someone to tell, thanks so much.x
Ta Pasta :-))
Love it :D
They are surprisingly intelligent animals - it is like living with a toddler with really sharp fingernails and ultra-sharp teeth
What a little love ...
Thank you pasta, I loved that, what a cutie.
Bless him, so cute!
Haha, that's why I love cats! Fascinating creatures..
Love it
It probably has ear mites. :-)
That is really clever:-) so much for other animals not having self-awareness...
he probably thought he was a rabbit until he saw his reflection

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I Gots Ears!!!

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