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Just a bit of a different take on your recent post about Stoke.
Quite a rise in population over the years,seems a bit much to me for one place.
Question Author
No, Jordy. Stoke On Trent's 2019 population is now estimated at 384,377. In 1950, the population of Stoke On Trent was 399,837.

Not more, just different.
People make all the difference to a place, nice thread Tilly.
Thank you Tilly.
Great people in Stoke (without question) but its still a dump!!!
Question Author
That's the council's fault.
I know :-)
Question Author
It's good to see something positive though.
Indeed Tills, like Mamy said, people make all the difference to a place. And I don't think that I would ever leave Stoke despite what I said the other night. But it is becoming worse. Recently announced in the Sentinel that the council were cutting back on seasonal Xmas decorations this Xmas tree in Hanley and thats it.
Useless council, couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel.

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