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Happy Birthday Mamyalynne

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murraymints | 06:32 Sun 22nd Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Many Happies Mamy xx


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Happy birthday Mamyalynne, I hope you enjoy your day.
Yes, there's been plenty of fun thank you xxx
Happy Birthday Lynne anything special planned?
Oh see you answered my question in your post above mine forgot these though xxx
Happy birthday mamyalynne x
Very many happies of the day Mamy, hope its been a good one. x
Happy birthday Mamy x
Happy Birthday Mamya x
Best wishes, Mamya... Gx
Yes, it's been a really fun day - good fun, nice eats, enough flowers to open a shop and lots of laughter and giddy dogs too. ♥
Sorry Mamya only just seen that it's your birthday.
Hope you have had a lovely day.
Wonderful, thank you x
Oh. Happy Birthday, mamya. XXX
I thought that I'd posted on this thread nearly 24 hours ago but then I remembered that a cat jumped on my laptop, breaking its keyboard, just as I was about to do so.

So it will have to be a very belated 'Happy Birthday' from me, Mamyalynne!

Actually, I hope that you have a great Monday too, so I can wish you a very happy unbirthday as well. If it was good enough for Lewis Carroll, it's good enough for me ;-)
Maybe two threads allows me two Birthdays, sounds good to me Chris - thank you x
Happy Birthday Mamya. I hope that you've had a great day today, with lots of spoiling.
Lots, ta Twix.x

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