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Kiltwalk Names Of Tartans

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galasalmon | 09:49 Mon 23rd Sep 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
I have already done this quiz ages ago but now a friend is stuck for answers and I can’t remember them can anyone please help. Closes 30th September.
3/ You can bank here without a son (7) begins with a or b
7/ I hear Alan is not going (7) begins with c
11 Confusingly it’s either Ida Cohen or Diane Cho (8) begins with d
19/ Is Ian confused from Poland (6) begins with h
21/ Sounds like this corporation got the notion to rock the boat ( 6) letters between h and l
23/In bedlam on the MP (6) between h And l
26/ one of seven meets cake with no beginning (8) begins with s or t.
Thanjavur a lot.
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11 donachie
23 Lamont (hidden)
21 Hughes
3 Barclay
7 Cumming
26 sin + (e)clair = Sinclair
19 - Hislop
Question Author
Thank you everyone that has been a great help.

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