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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:57 Wed 25th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Wednesday. We had a wee drop of rain yesterday, down in the valley the gutters were overflowing and the windscreen wipers could barely cope. I'm glad I'm at the top of the hill! We'e just been told by yer wee man we have more of it today.
Not much to do today, I'm going to get my tootsie x-rayed, I can barely put any weight on it, I'm using a stick to hobble about, Such fun I have!
Have a happy day everyone.


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the painting was done when she was in her early 70s....
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Very nice DT.
morning Bobbi xx

a lovely thing for your sis to do..clearly the artistic gene runs strongly down your family line
Hi Minty x
it's really us first two, the other two produced the occasional piece when young but haven't followed it through. None of us, except perhaps sister 2 has shown any musical talent (the Mater having sung in choirs a lot). My daughter is highly musical and plays all 4 stringed instruments, the double bass her favourite and her preference in descending order of size - and she played in the Texas State orchestra for a while. Her mother is the musical one - on harp and piano and she gets the music from her, though she is quite talented with a paintbrush in hand.
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A talented family indeed DT!
once again, time to go and do some shoplifting.....take care with that toe, Boaty, indeed if you have broken it, it could explain the swelling - though surely you remember catching it on something, even if in middle of the night!

Have a good one, all
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I'm a dab hand at painting and decorating, but artistic? Sadly, no.
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Thanks DT. It's not the toe, It's along the side of the foot.

Have a good'un mate.
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I'm going to make a move too, got some hobbling about to do. Book an xray for starters. I hope I can get a shoe on!

Have a happy day everyone.
bye DT xx bye Boaty xx hope it goes well today
Hey DT :)
Morning remainers...

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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