///Boris Johnson is a millionaire old Etonian Tory PM.
Donald Trump is an even wealthier business man in the most powerful political office in the world.
If anyone is “the establishment” they are. //
I don't think you quite understand, Ikky. The "established" Establishment has an agenda which does not quite fit in to the vast majority of the electorate's wishes. It keeps them (the Establishment) enriched and comfortable and it keeps the plebs in their place. Both Mr Trump and Mr Johnson are threatening that cosy arrangement. Simply being rich does not make you a member of the Establishment (who would suggest that the likes of Lewis Hamilton, Alan Sugar, many multi-millionaire footballers or Tim Martin - Chairman of Wetherspoons - are members). No, you have to be "on message" and subscribe to the agreed agenda to be let in. Mr Johnson is trying - against overwhelming odds - to implement the result of the agenda which the electorate who bothered to vote in it (and those who didn't) were told would be the case. It unsettles the Establishment because they have vowed, since June 2016, to thwart it because it's not what they want. They are used to getting their own way and are finding it a struggle to come to terms with something over which they do not have absolute control. That's why Mr Johnson is not a member of "The Establishment".