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F.a.o. Gness And Sunny Dave.

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Tilly2 | 19:02 Wed 02nd Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Stay safe in the storm. I hope it's not as bad as expected.


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Just realised I`ll be flying over that storm. Should be Ok though due to altitude.
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Hopefully, you are a bit more sheltered where you are.
It'll be fine. Might be a bit lumpy but that's OK )
My first ever flight, 237 was moving to live in Canada in August 1997..... the day of the Fastnet Race disaster.
It was a terrible flight scaring most passengers...except for me....I thought that was normal flying.....hope you avoid the storm...

We’re slightly sheltered, Tilly..... and in the middle of the field we’re far enough away from any trees that may come down.
The last storm took out the electrics so the visitors we had then had cold cuts and salad.... and wine of course....but it was quite exciting!
Gness - I have an elderly neighbour who has been very active over his whole life. He has done everything - London to Brighton cycle races, golf, hiking, dinghy and offshore sailing. He said that he was sailing with friends and they moored up somewhere and went to the pub. He was so drunk that his friends carried him back from the pub but they dropped him and he really hurt his back. Because of that, he couldn't enter the Fastnet race and it turned out that it was the race where all of those sailors died.
Yes, that was the race and the day of my first ever flight.......I think nineteen died.

A fortunate injury for your neighbour.....x
I was lucky enough to have returned from a long break in Ireland last week, where I had a lovely time.It rained heavily all the way home apart from the ferry crossing! I have never had such a wet journey in all the years I have been holidaying there, all through Ireland, Wales and England. I caught the tail end of the last storm so I hope everyone in Ireland has a better time of it than the poor souls on the Isle of Man.
Have checked my candles are in place with a handy lighter nearby.
Have to get a saucepan or two of water to have for the tea. Have a copper kettle for the gas ring so at least we won't go hungry.
I hate these storms too, as you say Dave, the power supply is too unreliable.
Just have to check all phones are charged.
We certainly had some heavy rain last week, Choux. It stopped long enough for the chap to come and cut our grass..... :-(........we now have mud instead of grass....

We have no gas, MrsLB...... may have to use a saucepan on the incinerator......... but torches are charged and logs and turf piled high. With luck it will miss us ... x
Our gas is on a bottle as we decided it would be an advantage not to be relying on just electricity.
The thing I hate though is that we have our own well and when power is down we can't get water or flush the toilet.
So have enough water for the tea but have to just hope power doesn't go down too long.
Sometimes we have been lucky and only had to suffer a few hours but we have had it gone for a few days.
Dave has been looking at gas rings and using bottled gas when we have these cuts.... especially the ones we can’t prepare for.
We do have mains water but of course the percolation unit needs electricity so we don’t want long periods without power.....
Mind you..... growing up we had a well on next door’s land and no toilet or electricity so we’re not so bad I guess..... :-)
The wind is blowing the rain sideways and the gusts are very strong......but Dave has battled his way to the pub to watch the rugby......let’s hope the power doesn’t go off!
ireland v russia? hope dave doesn't have a pint every time ireland score a try ...
Ahhh....hadn’t thought of that, Ael.....perhaps the power failing wouldn’t be a bad thing after all...... ;-)
"That sounds Latin and sexy, so Gness should just love it ;-)"

Does it? I think it sounds like a cough sweet. ;)

Hope GnD are having a cosy time with the hatches battened.

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F.a.o. Gness And Sunny Dave.

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