I was just on the subway and this lady taps me on the shoulder and tells me there is cum on the back of my shirt and I look and I see a man with his whole penis out, he had ejaculated on me and I was so frozen by this that he ran away with no trouble at all. I want to report him but I really do not know the whole process behind it. After I report to the police what happens then? They catch the guy and then what? Do I do nothing? Am I done? Do I have to see him at court if there happens to be a trial because I really don’t want to see him again. There are cameras on the subway, also I have a witness and the shirt where he left his semen in but I have not yet gone to the police. I just want to know if I can charge him without ever having to see him again
You don't charge him - that is for the police to do. Report it to the police and give them your shirt. They will take a statement from you that you will have to sign.
Hopefully the lady who witnessed it will also give a statement.
You will only have to go to court if he pleads not guilty - which is unlikely as they will have his DNA sample from your shirt.