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Am I Weird ?

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Bazile | 16:19 Sun 06th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just sat here listening to the wind blowing outside

Quite calming


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I have the roar of a swollen beck as white noise.
At one with nature then, nowt wrong with that.
not weird at all
The wife's sat here listening to the wind blowing inside and it has a remarkably invigorating effect on her. :-)
If you enjoy it, why not.
Not at all. Wind and rain is really soothing.
Nah,you're just in your element.

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I also like the sound of rain falling on a zinc roof , safely tucked up in bed at night .
You just sit there and enjoy that wind with gusto and life's a breeze....
I love just lying on the bed and watching as the sun bounces off the ripples of water outside and dances on the ceiling, I have hanging crystals so end up with mini rainbows too.
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Just so long as it doesn't turn into the Cape of Good hope
I love listening to wind and rain, it’s very soothing
Anna Mometer likes to measure wind.
not mad about hearing rain on the roof as there are two flats above ours. Wind is okay.
Ha-ha! Good one. I quite like listening to wind and trees rustling outside, too. I'm not too happy when being woken at 3 a.m. by blasts of rain against the bedroom window - even more so because Mr.J2 now wears hearing aids which he removes on retiring ---- so he slumbers on, oblivious. :(
That’s the type I like to hear jourdain,snug under the duvet and listening to the rain on the window
Nowt as nice as a good storm - as long as you're not out in it!

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