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Where Has It Gone?

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Stargazer | 18:44 Wed 09th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I had 44 posts following my question about my Bissell machine and as I did not know where to post it I put it under three categories.I have just tried to refer to. some of this 44 postings but the whole lot have disappeared, the only one remaining has only 4 replies. Pease explain why. Is the moderator deleting them and what is his\her name?


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There are quite a lot of mods. Maybe 10 or more. Maybe the Ed removed it or one of the mods did it. Only the person who removed it (and maybe the Ed will know) but some mods may not want to reveal they are mods or get involved in a public discussion.
I agree it would have been much better to remove the other two and leave the more popular one
Unfortunate, but always a risk when multiple posting the same thing.
Break the rules, face the consequences.
Stargazer you don’t really want me involved in this
This is jordyboy9,why is a moderator deleting them
What is her or his name?

It's always best not to duplicate posts as it can become confusing. Hopefully the MOD will see this and reinstate it and delete the others.
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It was because I could not determine under which category to place it. I wanted the chaps that mend these domestic thingies to be able to see it before it is whisked off the bottom of the few on the right of the screen!
The easiest way to bring a thread with no or few replies back into Latest Posts is to 'Bump' it by adding an extra plea at a busier time of day.
Cross-posting tends to upset AB's moderators, so it's not unusual for a duplicated thread to disappear.

Whenever I remove duplicates, I try to zap the thread(s) where there are no answers yet. However I've come close to deleting a 'populated' thread by mistake in the past, so there's always such a risk when cross-posting.

(And, no, it wasn't me this time. I didn't even see any of those threads).

Unfortunately, Ummmm's wish for the deleted thread won't come about because there's no way that deleted threads can be retrieved.
STARGAZER, do you intend paying a visit to the guilty mod or just crossing them off your Christmas card list?

If it's the former, you'll need to ask nicely for their address too.

//Unfortunately, Ummmm's wish for the deleted thread won't come about because there's no way that deleted threads can be retrieved.//

In the real world,(Not Cyber) it's called a cover up or whitewash.Thank you for being candid.:-)
Just to prove that we moderators aren't always nasty, I've just posted a (hopefully) helpful video on your remaining thread.
Lol. A very helpful moderator.Well appreciated I'm sure Chris.
Seems to me if mods aren't able to retrieve then they aren't able to retrieve. An e-mail to the Ed who might achieve something, but I'd not be holding my breath.

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