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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 05:34 Fri 11th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Boaty is indisposed this morning and has asked me to launch the ship... he may pop in later today.. horrible wet and windy here..a batten doon the hatches and slob day. Hope you have better wherever you may be xx


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morning Jack xx how's life in the Bay ?

morning Bobbi xx
Morning Bobbi xx
Morning Birdies. Wild and windy night up here. Rained non stop. Calmed down a bit now. Glad I did my errands and such yesterday. Get the kettle on methinks and have a brew.
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morning Togo xx same here !!
Morning DT( waves)
Good morning everybody.
I need to have a supermarket raid this morning.....coming up shortly!
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morning Paddy xx
Morning Paddy
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DT check in box !
In fact, just seen the time and better get the turbo-boosters on and get moving.....

Have a good one, all.
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bye DT xx
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bye for now folks..have a great day xx
Bye Minty x
Morning all. Wet and windy here and weatherman says it will be like that all day. Not nice.

Hope Boaty is soon recovered from whatever it is.
Morning LJ, very cold but bright now here on Tyneside

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Good Morning Early Birds

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