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Listener 4576 Striving By Twin

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perseverer | 15:39 Sat 12th Oct 2019 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Striving definitely described what it took to solve this, and probably even more the amount of effort it must have taken Twin to construct it.
While I was aware of the thematic subject, it was not by the name used here, and it took a very long time for the penny to drop.


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I thought this was terrific despite finding some of the clues frustratingly intractable. What an amazing piece of construction; I can’t begin to imagine how you set about creating something like this. I got in rather a mess with the final stage, but then I’m useless at the real life version of the theme. Excellent stuff.
The alternative name was new to us too.

Some tough clues - thanks Twin.
Simply superb. One of my favourites in a very long time, and some fiendishly clever clueing. Bravo Twin!
What a brilliant puzzle! One of the toughest this year, but one of the most rewarding too. So many of the clues had me scratching my head for far longer than I’d like to admit, but then seemed obvious when parsed – a sign of good a good clue.

Thanks very much, Twin.
I agree with all the praise above. Some of the clues did seem impenetrable at first, but slowly enough emerged to shed light on them. Some of the clues are real gems. An above-average challenge, but a very enjoyable challenge.
*Remarkable* puzzle and construction.


Thanks, Twin.

A great puzzle - very much enjoyed. Very early on, I thought I had spotted the theme and the neighbours were subjected to a brutal atonal ordeal on the piano as I tried to identify the tune(s)
A stunner - hard clues, tricky hidden messages and then a final dénouement that was a real surprise and a pleasure to complete.

Thanks Twin - much respect for an excellent challenge.

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Listener 4576 Striving By Twin

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