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Night Howls (Part 20)

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agchristie | 22:37 Wed 16th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
'IN THE ZONE' with Britney...

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Thanks Ag. I won't wish you the same cos you never seem to sleep. You are a night owl and I am some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon! X
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Haaaa! Pooka, this bird is always alert (what is a lert?)

Anyway, yes I know what ya mean!! Nyt!!
You have the gift of the ??? haaaa!!

Gab, charm and waffle... :-)
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Ha!!! Great qualities Arky!

You will go far when you have reached your peak! ;-)
even the moon is curious of what I are.
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Something of a genus?! ;-)
Well one tries not to burst ones bubble.
Not too sure about genus, but definitely Species :-)
(about the only listing I can remember from biology lol)

Evening Agbug xx
Just popping in to say hi xx
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Hiya alba! Nice to see ya on this, er, special edition.

Is it an omen? Will I score tonite? (says the already off it one ha!!!)
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Ok,thats me done (in) catch ya laters!
Goodnight my dear and rest easyXx ... hear be careful of the vampire puppet man he's upto...
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Hi Arky! A kindly woman offered me some soup or a sarnie!

(I told her I just needed to escape from a vampire puppet haaa!)

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Night Howls (Part 20)

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