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Brexit Free Household.

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SparklyKid | 13:05 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
From now on , no more reading news, listening to news, watching question time and the like.

Sick to death of this fiasco, wake me up when it is over, probably be dead before anything is sorted.


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Another 3 month extension on the cards
Total fiasco , I escaped it for three days from Thursday
Oh the freedom , I was unshackled ,
I was happily Brexit free until you posted this. Thanks.
Question Author
Sorry, seems you can't escape it. Looking forward to best out of three,five,seven and so on.
Roll on 3rd November, Guy is on his way.
OPPS, the 5th ^^
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Should that be the 5th teacake ?
He had the right idea , old Fawkesy
Our house is, I follow the shenanigans avidly, Mrs Tony not at all interested.
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I read somewhere that Guy Fawkes died of a heart attack on the steps to the gallows. They hung him anyway.
We are both followers of the B word here
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I would not mind so much if it wasn't one step forward two steps backward.
^^^^ agree
With all the fireworks Sainsburys are keeping to themselves, they can't make up their mind weather to blow Aldi up or the H/P. :0)
The latter would be the best option TC
They only hung him a little bit, SK, to be fair to them.

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Brexit Free Household.

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