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teacake44 | 16:32 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I need a power nap. snoooozzzzzz :0)


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Not much point in posting an answer, is there, if you're napping?
My OH has gone upstairs to watch the football. I give him 10 minutes before he's asleep.
Yes there is, Bookbinder. We can talk about her behind her back ;-)
Oh! Buenchico! I'm aghast, agog, disturbed, amazed, at your suggestion! OK, you start!
Well, I assume that you already know about the bishop, the donkey and the celery, Bookbinder . . . ;-)

Oh, yes, Buenchico! That's been all round the neighbourhood already! There was something about a meter reader and a tree feller, I think, but don't quote me on that. Hey, teacake44, have you woken up yet?
Get your hearing tested, Bookbinder!

It wasn't 'a tree feller', it was 'three fellas' ;-)

I can understand a meter reader being involved though. From what I hear, Teacake44 has been using up a lot of energy lately ;-)
"Three fellas" was it? Hmmm. There can't have been much on the TV that night, then! Hang on, there's a bloke at the door, and he's saying something about libel. I'll just get my shotgun out.

Well he didn't even last 5 minutes, blinking lightweight!
It's not libel if it's true, Bookbinder ;-)

See if you can find a recording of an old football match and put that on the screen. Then wait until he wakes up and see how long he remains baffled for ;-)
A recording? lol, I haven't recorded anything since I was in school :-)

I'll just do what I always do and lie to him about the score. I'm nice like that.

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