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There Was A Pretty Girl

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banker_frank | 20:41 Tue 29th Oct 2019 | Jokes
7 Answers
There was a pretty girl,
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead...
And when she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad
She got a fur coat, jewels, a Waterfront condo and a sports car.


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but was she happy?
You’re on fire with Da jokes the neet bonny lad eh ?
Did she know any Dukes?
Whaddya mean "know"?
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Am bored Pet, nowt on the telly an its canny card the neet. Might gan doon the boozer fur a pint

I'm a little bored sweetie. B all on the TV and a tad frosty outside. I may stroll along to my local tavern for a tipple
Watching Ben Fogle, always a good watch
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//Did she know any Dukes?//

lol yeh I had to change the 'little girl' to 'pretty girl' cos it sounded a bit pervy.

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There Was A Pretty Girl

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