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A Little Bit Odd

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teacake44 | 11:38 Wed 30th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Its very strange that so far no national newspaper as forecast a shortage of turkeys to the run up of the jolly season, they normally come up with it about this time of year., unless they are counting the one's in parliament. :0)


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As long as I don’t get a slice of Jo Swinson, a right tough old bird
11:40 Wed 30th Oct 2019
As long as I don’t get a slice of Jo Swinson, a right tough old bird
I recall you normally get a sprout dearth warning before the HoHo day.
Wrong frost or something. :-(
anybody who wants them can have mine
I'll have any extra sprouts and someone can have my turkey, always go for beef.
if there is a shortage of turkeys it will be down to brexit ...

I can't stand turkey, so it really won't worry me. Rib of beef for us, or a nice steak as there are only the two of us.
It will Not all be down to Brexit. France will have to take some of the blame if there is a shortage of Turkeys this coming Christmas.


I normally do a large Turkey crown and rolled brisket for the gravy, not keen on game gravy
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You deserve a crown Bobbs, your the queen of AB !! ho ho
Reverting to haha’s here
Oh my Days, my crown slipped and choked me nine years ago , hahahaha :0))))))
My mother used to make the gravy from the giblets.
A lot did Jack
I do to JD but you don't get giblets with the crown unfortunately.
Not many answers and already this thread is weird.
They've been far too busy warning of shortages of pigs-in-blankets and other festive foods which would be due to Brexit. Give them time. :(
As Jourdain2 points out, you might have the turkey but not everything that goes with it this year:
I would never dream of buying pigs in blankets when they are so easy to make!
I did like them intensely, never have them on my plate
Do folk actually cook such a an animal ?!


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A Little Bit Odd

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