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Good Morning Earlybirds

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emmie | 05:49 Sat 02nd Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
119 Answers
good morning one and all, i am fully awake and thought to get the ball
rolling, hope that you are all well.


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It's going to be a good one to watch minty.
if oh keeps shush !!
Give him 'THE LOOK' minty!
Morning MM et al.
Just hoping we didn't peak too early last week, or we can have a second coming...
I'm going to shove off and do a couple of things before The Off.

Have a happy day everyone.
Better late than never here, morning x
Morning bobbi xxx Just in time! :o}

How are you?
yes WBM only problem with the "village" is that is was built for horse traffic not cars, our house is part of a coaching house, now split into two semis
Is the old water pump still there?
bye Boaty xx Morning Bobbi xx

Tony my house in St Albans was an old coaching house..complete with well which I kept in the stone flagging in the hallway... capped with lights in !
Feeling good boaty , at an engagement party tonight , looking forward to seeing many friends alto again x
going to shoot ! get settled for kick off ! byeeee xx
* altogether *
Hi minty, byeeee Minty :0)
That's true. There was a lane opposite, that was a shortcut to Old Woodhouse, alongside the stream that had lots of sticklebacks in it.
morning Bobbisox1 you always make it, just in time for bacon sarnies. xx
That should be fun bobbi.

Now I really must hop it!

Have a happy day everyone (Mk 2)
minty your house must have been close to the A5 then, the old Roman road.
have well in back garden although capped now for safeties sake, with inquiring grand children.

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Good Morning Earlybirds

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