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High Rise Flats,the Dangers.

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SparklyKid | 11:13 Wed 06th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
This might sound silly ,but, if I were ever to live in one I would buy a couple of parachutes.

This is not me being flippant.


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Sorry, Sparkly.
Sounds a bit flippant, but it's true.// They're not the first choice of accommodation, surely? //

If people head for the Metropolis to live then they need housing.The only way is up if the Government are bound to provide more housing.
What open spaces we had in London are slowly disappearing as it is.
Yes but as I said the risk is low given the number that live in high rise x the number of years x the number of incidents = low risk
Think retrocop has the best answer so far
Fair point.
"I doubt whether you would be high enough for your parachute to deploy properly and be of any use."

The lowest recorded BASE jump was from 110 ft. so a parachute could work from about 7 or 8 floors up. It's a difficult skill to learn tho'.
I say.. wing it.
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Let's hope I never have to try it.
i live in a small block of flats, too small to have a lift and if there was a fire on the stairway, none of us would stand a chance of getting out.
I don’t like even being on the fourth floor of a building. But that’s because my phobia is heights not fire.
Lots of folk work 8/10/12 hours a day in high rise building all over the world. There's always a risk whatever.
that question is about a daft as saying all aircraft passengers should have them lol
That’s worrying, emmie. Are there no outside fire escapes?
I love my high rise flat, fantastic views, no obstruction to the light. Recently assessed and considered extremely low risk in fire. I always thought I'd hate it but even the height doesn't bother me now.
no Jo, we would be hard pressed to drop from where i am because there are concrete bases downstairs. I would more than likely break every bone, if not actually kill myself from going over the balcony.
Low rise flats are within the range of fire engines with platform ladders so a good chance you could be rescued. They would just reach the floor I am on according to the firemen who come to check the block but whether I would breach the load limit is a different thing
Mary Poppins style umbrellas, placed strategically like liferings around water, that's your answer.
Or a rope ladder.

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