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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:25 Mon 11th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
Monday. I woke up at three, thought I'd grab another hour, I grabbed two. :o}

I opened the back door last evening, there was some resistance, so I pushed as bit harder and looked round the door to find a curled up hedgehog! 'Sorry pal' I said, and put some pancetta down for him/her. Looked through the door window ten minutes later, said hedgehog was tucking in! :o} I thought they'd all be hibernating by now.
Going to visit the Hospice today.

Have a happy day everyone.


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boaty, i met him at his publishers when i worked in Covent Garden, he was as mysterious as a garden gnome. black hatted and black clothed,,,
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That's him emmie. I wish I'd met him.
very quiet and you wouldn't think he was an author, rather an actor in some melodrama, i liked him, though we had hardly any time to converse as he was seeing his publisher..
anyway good people it's time to fly, might catch up later...have a good day whatever you are doing..
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Have a happy day emmie xxx
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I'm going to make a move too.

Have a happy day everyone.
A little better Emmie. Is what I expect. Just a little improvement every day with no set backs is what I am aiming for.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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