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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 09:52 Sun 17th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
My thread seems to have disappeared.


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Surely not? How strange, if ever there’s a thread full of cheery nice comment Boaty, it’s yours x
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Most odd. it's never happened before.
Nope, still there,
Perhaps you thought it was spam and got rid.
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Question Author
Got it! :o}
Boaty you will need to use your special skills.
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Just removed the original one instead of this one, duh! Not myself this morning.
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Mind you, I did say I wasn't feeling too well. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :o}
ok just simple mistake but back again.
Well in that case I’ll say it again, I hope you’re feeling better soon Boaty :0}
so what happened there?
I see - lost in the woods.....
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Thanks bobbi xxx

I think it's called a technical hitch DT.
Maybe certain mods have too much power.
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Could be. I'm a mod! Wasn't me!!
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Coffee tie. Back in a tick.
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That's better!
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Going to make a move and see if I can sort myself out and get back to reality,
Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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