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F?a?o Dtcwordfan

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Caran | 00:15 Thu 21st Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Re your electric rat gadget. What is it called and what do you do with it.


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Thank you Chris
We seem to have had an explosion of rats (outside, thankfully) over the last week.

So far Mr BM and gun 0, ASBO 2. The clever money is on the cat....... (even my father - a farmer - is impressed with the cat, the last one was HUGE!).
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Our rat lives in the foundations of the house, accessed by a small area of decking. He steals from the bird table and takes it back home.
I doubt very much that there is only one...
You could just try something like this (it wont be pre baited anymore because the bait has to be sealed).

We're not keen on using bait because of the wildlife round here - hence atm we are going with the cat and the gun. But if it gets bad we'll look at bait or traps (there are some legal traps, but again, wildlife is a concern).

I think the cage traps I remember my dad using are now banned. He used to trap them and then shoot them.
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Don't say that shoota!!!
The rat is not a solitary animal, it lives in packs.
I shove cat droppings down rat holes
At my old house me and the cat managed to despatch about 13 babies (I had told the landlord the woodpile in the corner and the old hen house was a rat hotel and needed to go but he ignored me). The cat was dashing under the old henhouse and either bringing them out dead or dropping them at my feet whereupon I'd whack them. On phoning the rat man and saying I had a rat problem he asked how I knew this. I explained I'd just killed about 13 of the little ***. He laughed somewhat disbelievingly and asked how. I said "I have a cat and a shovel". He offered me a job.

My dad laughed when I told him. "Farmer's daughter through and through" he said.
Mmmmmmm, farmers daughters....

(I'm sure we've been here before...)
You have, Shoota. Apparently.....
When we had a rat in the garden, I called the Council and a man came round, free of charge. He found the run where it was coming into the garden and put poison there, so not really bad for other wildlife, our squirrel kept coming! Unfortunately, it decided to die in the garden and when I phoned the Council expecting them to send someone round to remove it, they said wrap it in newspaper and put it in the wheelie bin!
he is usually along on the good morning earlybirds thread. which means he won't be along for a bit.
Caran - you just plug it in and let it unit is good for 2500 sq feet.....I'm above that but wanted to nail them from coming under the house (esp. now with the wet and the cold) - the roof, well the bats usually get to the mice though we have had some recent activity so it's upstairs at the moment.
It's a Vermatik and cost about 25 from a local hardware store, Mallett's

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F?a?o Dtcwordfan

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