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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:21 Thu 21st Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Thursday. It's a bit cooler outside here this morning. Just the usual runnin around and a wee bit of shoplifting to do, then I've no idea. (I'm trying to pretend mount ironing isn't there). So that's today sorted.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Didn’t feel too good yesterday when I got up ,kinda queasy and a dull headache so I went to bed in the afternoon and stayed till this morning, not too bad now after himself brought me my coffee, pleased as I’ve got plans today with a couple of pals , we’re off to a quaint little tea rooms in a neighbouring village, we do this about this time of year, it’s very Christmassy there
bye Dtc
spam in insurance
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Got it. Thanks again emmie xxx
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Tie to make a move.
Have a happy day everyone.
bye DT xx have a nice day Bobbi !
time to get ready for trek to Tesco and ALDI ! speak later ..byeeee xx
bye wbm
Bye Mints and wtbm x
must go, have a good day all whatever you do..
Bye Emmie ( waves)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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