and become a vegetarian. BBC programme on Monday i think suggest that we could or more importantly should. I don't think i can live without certain foods.
Spinach isn't noticable thrown into casseroles or other dishes. You can't even taste it. It's full of potassium which I lack, so I always have a pack in the fridge.
No idea. Just going off the fact that last week one of the patients in a ward that I was visiting had a notice above his bed that said---''-This patient is allergic to white meats'' and when I asked he said chicken and fish. Never gave salmon a thought.
It is good Ummmm. My mum used to put a poached egg on hers, but ì don't like eggs. I have always loved spinach since childhood, with butter and black pepper. My grandparents were greengrocers - perhaps that is why I love veg. They were always plentiful.
I once ate eggs Florentine and since then I can always, always taste the spinach. To compensate, one of the best meals I have eaten (and love) is poached egg on mashed avocado on sourdough toast. On the other hand, the avocados are imported. :(