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A Place Of Energy Exchange!

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Caran | 01:26 Mon 02nd Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
This was used in an ambulance programme on tv tonight.
What would you think it referred to?


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if it was Star Trek, I'd go for the teleport pad thingy, but in this case I'll suggest the place where they keep the defibrillator.

Caran, has the GP changed your pain meds? Only ask as I remember you saying you felt the ones you were on weren't helping x
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It referred to the point where a cyclist hit the windscreen of a car.
No change in medication, gp doesn't seem interested!
Would it be them moving in opposite directions and the force of the impact.
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Yes, but what a queer way to express it.
Ummmm has it really, it refers to the point of impact and is also sometimes called energy transfer as the two objects are travelling at different speeds - one may even be stationary.
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Well expressed Mamya.

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A Place Of Energy Exchange!

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