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Paperback and mass market paperback?

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james_m246 | 18:51 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
What is the difference between paperback and mass market paperback?

I'm guess paperback is better quality but is there much in it?


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Dont worry I know now.
And the answer is................?
There's very little difference, I think, except that when I buy 'mass market paperbacks' in at work, they're usually of a slightly smaller format than the standard paperback (std paperback approx 13cm x 19 cm). The smaller format seems to be more common on the US market. The paper quality is similar, but the print is smaller and they do seem to have a certain 'cheapness' about them.

What you might also come across is the trade paperback, which is a sort of cross between paperback and hardback. A posh paperback, if you will, that the publishers can sell for more money than an ordinary one.

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Paperback and mass market paperback?

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