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what is the name of the town?

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memex35 | 23:11 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
a new york writer claimed he could serve up the best batch, a Texas writer was quick to challenge.They could only agree to a flavorful showdown in this sleepy Trans-Pecos town and the rest was history.


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marlboro Qs go in Quizzes and puzzles
Terlingua -

The World Championship Chili Cook-off at Terlingua began as a tongue-in-cheek challenge between Wick Fowler and humorist H. Allen Smith in 1967 with the judges declaring a draw. H. Allen Smith subsequently wrote a book about this event entitled The Great Chili Confrontation published in 1969.

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what is the name of the town?

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