I've a somewhat similar problem. Mr J2 romantically asked for new Thermal vests. Obviously you need at least 3 (1 to wear, 1 to wash and 1 for the middle bit) and they are not particularly cheap, but I have supplemented them with a couple of books I think he will like/enjoy. The other day he marched me into a jewellers (he was stuck, basically) and asked me to choose a bracelet. Well, I already have a formal, fixed bracelet - so another is wasteful - and the only one I liked was a twisted chain 2-gold one, which will be very useful everyday.
He manfully accepted this, and I expect to receive it on Christmas Day, although it was more than he expected to pay. But what would be the point of choosing something I don't particularly want? It would still cost a fair bit of cash and for a bit more I have something I would like. He said that he would prefer to buy me something I liked - but there have been a couple of hints since that it cost more than he expected. ……. Men! (Love him to bits, of course.)