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Was Er Ill Advised?

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sandyRoe | 08:56 Tue 24th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
1992 wasn't the best year for her and she described it as an 'annus horribilis'.
This year hasn't been the best for her, either. But this time it's being described as 'bumpy'.
Could her advisers have suggested she dumb down her language?


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possibly, she must be worried about the Duke of Edinburgh. Not to mention her errant middle son Andrew.
I doubt that she was advised about her speech as she writes it herself.
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Bumpy........ ones is not familiar with such common words .
I thought this was about Edward the Third being advised to start with :-)
Well, some of us dumb-down our punctuation....
ill hyphen advised.
Wow !
The Royal arrogance again!
These people don't have a clue do they?
The great unwashed live "bumpy " lives every day, but still have the sycophantic tendencies to tug the forelock and give the Royals undeserved attention when their privileged lives are minimally disrupted.
No TH. I’m not tugging my forelock for anyone !!!

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Was Er Ill Advised?

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