When we say that something is infinite we are simply confessing our ignorance. This is not necessarily a bad thing as this is the first step in learning something new.
The term �infinity� may properly be used to describe something that is immeasurable. Once we define the object or attribute we are discussing we invariably find that it exists in a measurable quantity even though we may not yet know precisely what that quantity is.
In the evolution of our knowledge our concept of time was radically redefined only a century ago. Most of us are still grappling with this �new� concept of time but the old one still serves us well for most purposes and gave us a wealth of understanding about the universe in which we live.
We are beginning to develop a basic picture of what our universe looks like. Based on what we have been able to see so far it appears to have a dimension of size which is expanding at an accelerating rate in all directions. The further out into the past we look the faster objects appear to be moving away from us. This implies that about 13-14 billion years ago it began from a common point of origin from which it should have collapsed into one giant black hole. Since we currently have only this one universe to look at it is difficult to understand why our present universe came to be instead. We may yet need to discern an even more advanced concept of time (and space) before we learn where, why and how our universe came to be what it is now.
When it comes to infinity the real fun has just begun.</A>