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The 3Pm Doom And Gloom

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teacake44 | 11:24 Thu 26th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
82 Answers
Do you think the Queen will ever smile one year, or add a bit of humour. just for a change. :0(


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A smile costs nothing. She is a miserable old bat. The only time I've seen her smile is at the races.
12:42 Thu 26th Dec 2019
She has had a very, "bompy," year.
anyone think of one liners her maj cd use to lighten her gloomy speeches

one old pa Glum on Ab has written: 'The only time she looks happy is on a racecourse'....... so....

some of my subjects hev commented: 'The only time she looks happy is on a racecourse'
and that would be the more I see of men then better I like horses bottoms!

ter daaah ! I thenk yor

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