4 slices of belly draft of pork £1.20
1 bag carrots 14p
1 bag of peas 60p
1 bag spuds ( mark down) 50p
1 sm box stuffing 35p ( cheapest they do) :0)
1 individual Xmas pud 75p ( went a bit over the top ) put its Xmas
That's £1.77 for Xmas dinner, same for boxing day.
Already got ice cream in freezer to have with pud, but don't think the pud will cover 2 days. :0)
We've just eaten meatballs, tom. sauce (home grown and frozen) and spaghetti with grated cheese on top for about £1.50 for 2. Christmas dinner comes in a bit dearer, but we are pushing the boat out - veg. all home-grown. Probably (just been to check price of turkey breast roast) about £5 each all in - possibly £6 if I add in cheese course and include power to...