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Smart Hub Is Being Updated

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pastafreak | 23:55 Tue 31st Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
...please try again later.
I've gotten this message last night and tonight on my Samsung tv. Can't watch catch up. Any idea what's happening?


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No idea Pasta - mine is ok - get in touch with your tv people ? Not much help I'm afraid.
If you google "Samsung Smart Hub is being updated etc", you will find lots of info. Looks like a common on-going problem.
Have you looked at the settings menu on your tv? (only got that by asking google)
other than that, have you done the usual switch off, wait, and back on again?

Hope you get it sorted xx
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I was just reading about it...lots of recent issues. I'll do the switching on/off tomorrow. Have to find the button on this telly. took me ages to find the button on mine. Turn it off at the plug.
I just had sound and no picture on my Samsung. Had to turn it off at the socket for good few minutes before it came back. Sometimes it just seems to get it's knickers in a twist and has to be given a rest to sort itself out.
I just usually re-boot it, switch it off at the wall socket leave it a few minutes switch the socket back on it it is fine then ( until the next time ).
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Hmm...I've kind of gotten it back...I've got iPlayer. But it's not behaving. Only partial screen...remote having no effect.
I'll play around with it tomorrow...cant be bothered now.
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Oh...and if I hit smart hub on remote...I only get several icons for prime, itvhub, iPlayer etc in lower left of screen. Not full screen with all the apps.

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