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Who’S Had A Good Pro Christmas Then?

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Bobbisox1 | 22:23 Sat 04th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Are you pleased it’s over and back to normal?
I am, back to doing the same things as enjoyable as they are , obviously not all hunky dory , we all have mountains to climb and heartaches to take on in this new year


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All good now. Travelling over. 400 miles in all. Can now relax at home.
I'm pretty sure I wrote crap once on here and it got starred out. Was a while ago though.
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Well that one wasn’t Tiggs, haha
Got most of decs down yesterday, a few to do tomorrow. Jen and I have both been laid low with colds, so not to bright last few days.
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seems everyone is 'getting'some bug or another Tony, what we need is a real cold snap to kill them off, this mildness at this time of the year just multiplys them, hope you and Jen are doing okay today?
A fantastic Xmas and New Year here. Glad to be home in blighty tomorrow and start dieting in earnest. Too much good food of every sort and drinks to match.
After a while it’s all too much. No worries about trees and tinsel either. :-)
OK thanks for your kind thoughts bobbi xxx, I can kind of deal with and can to get to local shop for essentials e.g. bread, milk etc. Jen is worse because of other underlying medical conditions. I got an appointment on Friday morning, so she could get some prescription meds, and she flatly refused to go, don't really know what my next step will be.

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