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jennyjoan | 16:41 Mon 13th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I am not too sure what Windows I use - how can I find out. Thanks


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Click on the magnifying glass bottom-left of your screen.

In "Type here to search" type - winver - press enter
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LiK - I can't see a magnifying glass

To find out which version of Windows your device is running, press the Windows logo key + R, type winver in the Open box, and then select OK.
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OMG - you's are all great. I am using Windows 8 - I did think it may have been 7. Thanks.
Ta Mamya, I'll stop typing :-)
Mine are Everest...
Windows 8 was when it all went weird :-)
I didn't even know there was a Windows 8, thought it jumped from 7 to 10 !!
Windows 8 was v unpopular and comparatively short-lived. And Windows 9x (95, 98) had already been done
W8 was indeed woeful. I purchased a laptop with it installed but upgraded 8, to 8..1 when it was released which was in fairness a vast (not avast) improvement. I also upgraded the laptop to W10 on the first day that it was available. It still runs beautifully. Jenny you may be the only person on the planet still using W8. If anyone should have upgraded to 10 it was you.
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I actually got the programme installed by a techie.

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