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You Could Not Make It Up

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sunny-dave | 20:41 Mon 13th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
I am still struggling to come to terms with this ...

... or has April 1st been relocated to January this year?


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Hate smelly candles at the best of times. The height of naff.
Wibble ;-)
/// Hate smelly candles at the best of times. The height of naff. ///

I agree - the smells wafting out of the shops are nauseating.
They remind me of that ghastly plasticy Glade stuff people squirt around their houses. You just wouldn't, would you? Well you might ... but I wouldn't.
Not even Jo Malone's?
Each to their own, but not for me. None of them.
The Advertising Standards Agency requires that all advertiser must be able to prove their claims. In the event of a dispute, will officials from the ASA be required to do a bit of 'sniffing around' to ascertain the truth or otherwise of Ms Paltrow's claims?

Naomi - Given the assumption that we all use air fresheners, what is your preferred brand?
Has anyone asked Chris Martin to confirm its authenticity? But then, maybe he can't recall....
This is actually truly astounding. I was going to show this extraordinary link to my wife. But having thought it through decided to refrain, not knowing what it might lead to, or where.
Oh no. Any artificial smells are horrible. Air fresheners, candles, those little pine trees in cars, yuk, no.
//Has anyone asked Chris Martin to confirm its authenticity?//

Brainiac, if this had happened a few years back, I may have suggested that Chris Martin was Gwyneth's vag.
she is bonkers, who on earth would buy such a thing,
or is it aimed at the luvvies in La La Land, very odd woman.
Is she on drugs? or doing it for a bet?
Apparently its high price is a result of its production being very labia-intensive ;-D
Indeed. I'm surprised she has time to fit it all in.
I recommend a Canestan candle to neutralise Geyneths odours.
// Something very fishy about this.//
something wrong with this - - I smell a rat
(100% abers go - - ugh)

as for lovely TTT and his armpits, I think of them whenever I read his prose.... am I allowed to say that?

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