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Just One Thread Since Gmeb

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SparklyKid | 17:44 Sun 12th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
CB on it's last legs ?


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Just One Thread Since Gmeb// Two now. Total gridlock!
23:38 Sun 12th Jan 2020
Your second coming?
You’ve missed nowt jourdain :0)
You don't want your semit-detached in this weather, Jourdain. :-)
Just One Thread Since Gmeb//

Two now. Total gridlock!
I always thought it was a * simmit *, well well well.
Eh???? ^^^^^
depends on the accent, anne ;=)

always thought it was semmit too.
Maybe all of you, "Facebookers," should encourage your friends to convert to the true religion, "Answerbankism."
I’m lost :0)
What’s a semmit?
A string vest?
Simmet even !
string vest, Bobbi :-)

doubles up as a fishing net for poachers who hope they catch semmit in it
And I only live ‘doon the road’
Never hears off it
String vest tucked into Y fronts, the honeymoon outfit.
Simmet is very Ulster.
can people please remember that GMEB is the acronym ( short) for Gtr Manchester ELectricity Board

the used to run the trams before the modern ones

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