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Is There An American Version?

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Blake_Wildfong | 20:15 Tue 21st Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I was wondering if there is a USA version of this website?


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@Tilly2 Thank you
No, we're unique! ;0)))
There are probably many american chat forums but I’m not aware of them
There used to be a website called Answerbag, but I believe that it has been closed down. Might be worth a search, if you have nothing else to do.
I am afraid Blake [Gamers name..:)) ] that our American cousins and little brothers have neither the panache nor the wit to carry off such an all engrossing, but still relaxing and entertaining, grown up site such as this.
Jock: J.R.!
J.R.: Yes, Daddy...
Jock: Stop shootin' crap, J.R.!
J.R.: Sorry, Daddy...
Jock: Well, hell an' ***, J.R.!
There are, or have been, US several sites which have tried to do the same thing as we've got here. However very few of them seem to have been able to get to grips with the problems of moderating posts. (This site has active editorial staff and about 30 volunteer moderators, including myself, who try to get rid of all the rubbish). So they tend to end up full of spammers and trolls.

The is case in point. It was closed down because it was full of spam and trolls but then bought out by new owners, who promised to sort the problems out. However the spamming and trolling quickly resumed. (I've not checked it out recently though).

One might have thought that the mighty Yahoo could do better with but that also has its fair share of troubles.

The only US Q&A sites that seems to be well run are, and but none of them seem to be as easy to navigate as this site is.

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