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Would You Cross This Bridge?

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marval | 15:27 Fri 24th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I don't drive, but even if I did I would not feel confident crossing this bridge.

I wonder who on here would give it a go.



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Chris I have done the Arc de Triomphe on the back of a motorbike!
I was going to mention The Sheppey Bridge, saves lots of time, but Sheppey prison was built there to stop inmates escaping.
> Would You Cross This Bridge?

I will, when I come to it.
Try driving in New Delhi.
Or Bali, on a motorcycle ...

No problem in a car. Not on a bike though. The worse experience for me was Moscow's roads (as a passenger)
//...but Sheppey prison was built there to stop inmates escaping.//

There are three prisons on the island, Tony. HMP Elmley (Male, Cat B/C); HMP Swaleside (Male, Cat B); Standford Hill (Male, Cat D).

Strangely places like Sheppey are not considered suitable for high risk (Cat A) offenders. The reason for this is that although it may be difficult for them to escape the island if they get out of the prison, it is also extremely easy for a prisoner being transported to or from the prison to be intercepted and freed at the "pinch point" (i.e. the bridge). Since there is only one way on or off, the prisoner's accomplices know for sure which route must be taken.
I'm with Buenchico. I have been a passenger in a car in Paris and the area around the Arc de Triomphe is hair raising !
Not scary just beautiful. Crossing the Mlliau Viaduct in France when the clouds are below you and you can't see the ground.
Does anybody remember the name of the bridge in America where some drivers are so nervous about crossing it, they pay somebody to drive them across?
"The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland is so scary there is a service that will drive you across the bridge in your own car. The bridge reaches up to 200 feet in some places and is over 4 miles long. There are no shoulders on either sides and the barriers are so low you can see the bay below."

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