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Sat Night Tv, Anything Good On ??

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SparklyKid | 18:13 Sat 01st Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Waits for post removal,lol.


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A few bits and pieces but I find Saturday a good night to catch up on stuff in my recordings library.
I have Casualty on series record but rarely watch on the night.
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Netflix, Fawlty Towers sounds a good bet.
Love the hammyness of Montalbano.
So, nothing good on tv, then?
Am watching pawn stars on Blaze at the moment.
Imgoing to be watching hunt for the smiley face killers.
Wifes catching up with Grantchester so early night to read after checking the Lottery and walking the dog.
We will be watching The Favourite tonight after the rugby.
Finishing the Strangers on netflix.

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Sat Night Tv, Anything Good On ??

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