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queenofmean | 09:50 Tue 04th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Had my Carpal Tunnel op yesterday.

All went smoothly, was home by 6pm.

Just a wee bit sore and stiff and wee bit puffy this morning.

I managed to do my injection with my non dominant hand...eating is a little more challenging.

One down one to go.


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good luck with that.. hope you get well soon
Question Author
Thank you Emmie, me too. I’m still trying to be independent but dad is on hand to help plus two out of 4 cats to cuddle isn’t bad
that is good you have help and cats are a lovely addition to the family..
I've has a few minor ops in the last 6 months. So now I'm going to book a holiday :-)
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They are indeed.

Ooh that sounds like a good plan ummm. Where do you fancy?
I don't know. He said Turkey because it's cheap and cheerful. We're not going on an adventure holiday just somewhere we can spend a few weeks chilling and doing nothing.

We've had a really bad 6 months.
yes Ummmm you've not had a good time recently, holiday will do you good.
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Those are the best ones. I hope things improve and you get away for some r&r
Best wishes to Queenie and Ummmm in your
Good luck with the recovery.Are your injections Fragmin? I had to inject them for a month after cancer op. I hate needles especially when I had to self inject.
Will be getting a canular in my hand at 2pm. uggh. Hate them as well.Sting like hell.
Mrs T is having trouble also.
How long did the op take?
Local or general anaesthetic?
Question Author
Thank you Mamya xx

Retro, it’s my insulin injections for my diabetes. 4 per day. I don’t mind cannulas, just depends where they put it. Good luck for it though.

Theland, it takes about 15/20 minutes. Feels a lot less to be fair. It was a local. I believe it can also be done under regional anaesthetic. But it was over quickly. Was discharged at 3pm - 1.5 hours post op.
Thank you.
I am having the same operation on Thursday, did they say how long before you could drive, presuming you do drive that is
My best wishes to you for a speedy & comfy recovery (ummmm as well) :-) x
Glad it is over Queenie, I had it done a few years ago.

Just take it easy, it should be better soon.
Question Author
Sadielady 2 weeks before you can drive or feel comfortable enough to do so safely. They say not to drive while you still have the stitches. Just because of the location. Good luck xx

Thank you LiK and Marval. I’m doing my best. Been out with dad today but I’m shattered. Going to have a bath and settle for the night xx
Thank you x
Wish you well Queenie x

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