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We Have A New Car In The Family!

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Caran | 00:57 Wed 05th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
OH had a Mercedes with great sentimental memories. His best friend died 4 years ago and left his merc to him in his will. It's a beautiful car but he decided it is getting to the age where repairs are going to be costing a lot of money. It also drinks petrol like it's going out of fashion. So he started looking on line. He found a Citroen estate car at a garage not too far away.
We went and had a look. He liked it. I tried to persuade him not to do it knowing how he felt about it it, but he went ahead, he got a straight swap with a full mot,
The merc was an 03 and the Citroen is an 07 so he feels ok with it.
It's got a much bigger boot so we have booked a booze cruise next week to France!


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You have already booked a booze cruise to France next week, is this another one?
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No this is the same one, we go on Tuesday come back Wednesday.
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There also was the small matter of £300 difference in taxing the car!
This is what Pidou do, it's gorgeous:
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Thank you shoota, we will have a good rummage round.
Well have a lovely trip anyway Caran.
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Thank you carrot99

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We Have A New Car In The Family!

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