My mate Dan bought a round of drinks.
Other than that landmark event, it was a bit boring really. Brain size increased rapidly, by 2 million years ago. Homo habilis (handy man) used primitive stone tools in Tanzania. Probably lives with Paranthropus robustus (another type of being which died out 1.2m years ago). Emergence of speech. Homo species are meat-eating while Paranthropus eats plants and termites (not a stable diet for survival obviously). Some chimpanzees branch off to form the Bonobos which live in female dominated society. Saber Tooth moves from North America to South America.
In geological terms, and apart from the major movement of Dan towards the bar, the Pliocene epoch was coming to a close (well, in about 200,000 years or thereabouts). The Pliocene is the second epoch of the Neogene period of the Cenozoic era. Climates became cooler and drier, and seasonal, similar to modern climates. Antarctica became ice-bound, entirely covered with year-round glaciation. Continents continued to drift toward their present positions, moving from positions possibly as far as 250km from their present locations to positions only 70 km from their current locations. South America became linked to North America. The formation of the Isthmus had major consequences on global temperatures, as warm equatorial ocean currents were cut off and an Atlantic cooling cycle began, with cold Arctic and Antarctic waters dropping temperatures in the now-isolated Atlantic Ocean.
In 2002, astronomers discovered that roughly 2 million years ago, around the end of the Pliocene epoch, a group of bright stars called the Scorpius-Centaurus passed within 150 light-years of Earth and one or more supernovae may have occurred at that time. Such a close explosion could have damaged the Earth's ozone layer and caused the extinction of some ocean life.
Looking forward to the next epoch when Dan may stretch to a bag of salt & vinegar