Can someone please tell me who Russell Brand is? I read so many references to him, usually unflattering, and I've never heard of him. is he from Big Brother or something?
I think he needs a good wash and a shave. He dresses like a pirate, and whereas Johnny Depp floats me boat in heouge way, I just want to give Russell good scrubbing.
ooh er, does that mean I secretly fancy him then? He's really really camp too, or is that just me, I know loads of gilrs think he's a sex symbol.
Dinkle (not dingle!), not forgetting his ballbags. But I wouldn't say he relied on sexual innuendo at all - quite a sharp brain going on in young Russell.
Thank you all. Kate, I followed your link. He would be quite good looking if he didn't look so carefully tousled, like he's worked very hard to look as if he doesn't care about his appearance.
But I don't like men who keep talking about their dingles, or dinkles, winkles or whatever. They seem a bit lacking in that department, if they need to keep talking about it!
Quizmonkey thank you for correcting me, my brain doesn't work well on a weekend and as my weekend started last night it's obvious my brain has deserted me!!
I think russell is quite attractive but his voice grates on me after a while, I could only take him and his 'dinkle' in small doses!!
Hi Violetblue, firstly I thought he was awful, but after watching him on Jonathon Ross, I thought he was very funny. I now catch him all the time on BB Big Mouth and in my opinion, the more you watch him the funnier he gets!
And I do think he is good looking, very much like George Best!!
osprey - you're definitely not alone. It's got to the point that I hurriedly switch channel every time one of the blabbering ninny's trails comes on the radio. Couldn't stand the man from day one.