Morning Birdies. Cold and dank out there this morning. No wind yet but it is on the way. Looks like a stay home weekend with a dish of braised steak and mash for tomorrow . Watch the racing (if on) and football later and a cowboy breakfast this morning. Hope you are all well and if you have been poorly that you are getting better. Think I will brave the outdoors and fetch the paper early.
Pretty much back to normal now thanks, Emmie I second the turmeric and ginger as well, both seem to be natural anti inflammatories I have increased the amount of both in my diet,( a lot, supplements would be easier) combined with losing weight I have reduced my arthritis pain drastically.
Morning all, where does time fly, been oven cleaning already, just the racks and the gunk in the actual oven is ready to be lifted - it's seriously yeuck and should have been left in better state.
My Vera was a sheltered accommodation warden for the council, so we moved around a lot, we always left the place spotless, with a list of what was where.