I wouldn't bother either way, what I would like to see is closer ties with Eire, and the Scandinavian countries in a trading alliance it might be difficult with the Irish being in the EU but I have a feeling the next ten years will change that organisation quite dramatically.
"might be difficult with the Irish being in the EU"
Not to mention two out of three of the Scandinavian countries (plus Finland).
But why would that be a problem?
The days of the threat of a civil war are I think long gone. It didn't happen at the height of the Troubles and it isn't going to happen now.
What is happening is long, slow reconciliation, but Brexit has not helped, in the short term at least.
David Small; "Leave them to unite as one country." Northern Ireland is part of the UK. We can't just "leave them to unite." We would have a role to play if such an event ever took place.
jno - "I remember a lot of talk 30 years ago about how the fall of the Berlin Wall certainly didn't mean that East and West Germany were about to reunite, perish the thought."
Ah, 'the dominEU effect' working only in non-communist countries.